Miscellaneous Posts

This page contains various posts that don’t fit neatly under one of my other categories.

Themed Reading Lists:

Black History Month

Women’s History Month

Native American Heritage Month

LGBTQ+ Authors

Banned Books Week

Books in Translation

The Literary Lush Book Club

Politics, Philosophy, and Religion:

Drag and Gender as a Performance

Pride Month 2024: God (or Nature) Makes Queer Creatures - Get Over It

The Alabama Supreme Court Decision Further Reveals the Moral and Ethical Absurdity of the Anti-Abortion Movement

Parental Rights or Parental Ownership

Pride Month 2023: The Root of anti-LGBTQ+ Bigotry is Misogyny

A Market-Based Solution for Gun Control

Neurodiversity and Intersex as ways of understanding the LGBTQIA+ Experience

“They Make a Wasteland and Call it Peace”: Putin and White Evangelicalism

Absolute Truth Versus Absolute Authority

Post Failed-Recall Thoughts: Why the California Republican Party Isn’t Viable

Rush Limbaugh and Me

Black History Month: We Need to Learn Accurate and Complete History

Yes, Trumpism is Fascism

The Aftermath of 9/11 in Two Country Songs

Labor Day: Adam Smith, Notorious “Socialist”

Kenosha Explodes the Myth of the “Good Guy With A Gun”

How Ideology Works

Some Troubling Comments on Covid-19 by my Conservative Acquaintances

Culture and Gun Violence: Conservatives need to look in the mirror

Oregon as a Microcosm of our Divided Nation

Taxpayers Subsidize our Healthcare

White Fragility: Discussing Racist Policies in the Era of Trump

Black History Month: If You Prick Us, Do We Not Bleed?

An Epic Civil Rights Battle

Yes, Women Should Be In Charge of Their Bodies

Was It Worth It? (My Post-Election Prediction) 

Two Kinds of Patriotism

The Elephant in the Discussion of Public Benefits

Aftermath: A Way Forward for Those of Us who Still Believe in Basic Human Decency

Looking Away From an Assault: An Election Tale

Good Riddance Andrew Jackson

Polarization and Parrotting: How We Got There

Nazism, Communism, and Atheism Aren’t the Same Thing

Brief Thoughts on the DOJ Report on Ferguson

Nazis, Nietzsche, and Narrative



Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Tear Down This Wall

Immigration Part 7: My Family’s Story

Immigration Part 6: Why We Can’t Or Won’t Fix Our Broken Immigration Laws

Immigration Part 5: The Openly Racist Goals of the Trump Administration

Immigration Part 4: The Reality of Current Law

Immigration Part 3: The Chinese Exclusion Act Racist History of Immigration Restrictions

Immigration Part 2: Immigration and Naturalization before 1882

Immigration Part 1: Introduction

“Shithole Immigrants”

Saint Patrick’s Day and Immigration


Part 1: Everybody Does It - Politics and Philosophy

Part 2: Speaking a Common Language

Part 3: Theofascism, Bigotry, and Sincere Religious Belief

Part 4: The Theofascist Narrative, aka The Culture Wars™

Sunday Thoughts and other sermons:

Those Who Wish To Seem: Performative Piety

Sunday Thoughts: Lies and Liars

Sunday Thoughts: We want a King

Gratefulness: A Parable

The Radical Meaning of the Parable of the Good Samaritan 

Wisdom Versus Theonomy: An Example From My Experience


Why Abraham and Isaac Matter

Christmas and other themed posts:

Christmas Poems 2022

Christmas Poems 2021

Christmas Poems 2020

Christmas Poems 2019

Christmas Poems 2017

Christmas Poems 2016

Christmas Poems 2015

Christmas Carols in a Time of Hatred


Reclaiming Halloween

Poems for the New Year

Poems About Gratefulness

Two Autumn Poems

Miscellaneous book posts:

Christmas Books 2023

Christmas Books 2022

Christmas Books 2021

Christmas Books 2020

Christmas Books 2019

Christmas Books 2018

Christmas Books 2017

Christmas Books 2016

Christmas Books 2015

Christmas Books 2014

Christmas Books 2013

Christmas Books 2011

Birthday Books 2012

Birthday Books 2017

Birthday Books 2016

My 10 Most Influential Books as of 2014

Thoughts on Banned Books Week


The Barbie Movie: Existential Crises and Patriarchy

Encanto and the Foundation of a Family

Pixar’s Inside Out and the Importance of Sadness

Fear and Love: The Unexpected Message of Disney’s Frozen

Band of Brothers

Hidden Figures

The Barchester Chronicles


What the Requiem Means to Me



Banking Water

The Perseid Meteor Shower

Personal Stuff:

A Quarter Century Together


20th Anniversary

Love in the Time of Covid-19

Thoughts on my 36th Year

A Prime Marriage

Night Shift at the Hospital on Christmas Eve

Losing Friends 2017

Changing Together - 16th Anniversary


Turning 40

What I Learned About My Wife in Fifteen Years of Marriage


A Fortnight of Years


Settling Down

Why My Daughters - and Sons - Are Getting the HPV Vaccine

Why I Do Not Teach My Children Young Earth Creationism


Love at First Sight

In Which I Post Some Questions and Answers

Cancer and the Quest for a Guarantee

12th Anniversary

Thoughts on the Retirement of Rebecca Brooks

Valentine’s Day 2013

Getting to Know You

Learning Outside the Family - Sunday School Edition

Valentine’s Day 2012

Thoughts on Academia and the Life of the Mind

A Word About My Blog

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